
Membership to the Glenn Research Center (GRC) Small Business Advisory Council (SBAC) is open to businesses with existing prime contracts or subcontracts with GRC.

Membership Benefits

  • Fostered collaboration and exchange of lessons-learned with other Small Businesses (SBs)
  • Enhanced opportunities for SBs to interface with Center leadership, the GRC SB Office, and the Procurement Division
  • Help in connecting with technical civil servants (e.g., Branch/Lab Heads, Program Managers, Project Scientists, etc.) to present their capabilities
  • Help in connecting with other GRC contractors to explore teaming opportunities by providing local networking of SB business development
  • Enabled communication between the NASA HQ Office of SB Programs NASA Industry Forum (NIF) and GRC small businesses
  • The semi-annual NIF provides Center NIF members with upcoming SBA news, FAR changes, and top-level NASA information/strategy with the intent that this information is shared with the SBs at each Center

Current Members

Alycon Logo

Ann O. Heyward
Program Manager, TIALS-2
Mail Stop 14-10
21000 Brookpark Road
Cleveland, OH 44135
Office: 216-433-2399
Mobile: 440-552-4679
ATS-JV – Alcyon Technical Services Joint Venture


Pat Benson
Senior Advisor/Business Development
2225 Drake Ave, Suite 8
Huntsville, AL 35805
Phone: 256-651-3404
Cepeda – Systems & Software Analysis

Chugach Logo

Genevieve Burkett
3800 Centerpoint Drive, Suite 800
Anchorage, AK 99503
Capture Manager
Mobile: (907) 301-5903
Chugach Government Solutions

HX5 Logo

Brian W. Rice, PE, PMP
General Manager
21000 Brook Park Rd. MS 6-2
Cleveland, Ohio 44135
Office: 216-433-5734
Mobile: 216-536-9146
Sierra Lobo, Inc. – We are known by the tracks we leave…

Imbutec Logo

Richard W. Taylor
61 Arch Street, Suite 101
Carnegie, PA 15106
Phone: (412) 276-2247
Fax: (412) 276-2249
ImbuTec –

MTI Logo

L. Todd Lockhart
Director of Corporate Operations
Phone: 440-816-0202
Mobile: 440-503-1030
Fax: 440-816-1121
Mainthia Technologies, Inc.

Summit Logo

Matthew Kennedy
7686 Richmond Highway, Suite 110
Alexandria, VA 22306
Phone: 703-746-8700
Fax: 703-997-6426
Cell: 703-966-0868
Summit Technologies (

Wichita Tribal Enterprises Logo

Tiffany Lonewolf
550 Westcott Street, Ste. 452
Houston, TX 77007
Phone: 405.933.4867
Wichita Tribal Enterprises, LLC | WTE

ZIN Technologies Logo

Brian Finley
Sr. VP of Operations
6745 Engle Rd
Middleburg Hts Ohio 44130
Phone: 216-408-9548
ZIN Technologies Inc. | Aerospace | Defense | Manufacturing | Ohio (